Posts in Starting Solids
Considering Baby-led Weaning? We Have Some Advice from Solid Starts Founder, Jenny Best

At FoodieKid, we know firsthand how different each and every baby can be when the time comes to start solid foods.  After all, it was our founder Christine’s experience with her two sons’ very different eating styles that led to the creation of Simple Starters.  She noticed that there were not many flexible baby food offerings available and wanted to give parents an option that would allow them to customize the texture of their baby’s food, from traditional puree to diced for those who follow baby-led weaning or have older children.  So we were excited for a ‘social distanced sit down’ with baby-led weaning guru and Solid Starts founder Jenny Best to discuss the “starting whole” movement and her passion for setting babies up to have a healthy relationship with food as they grow.

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Bring the Fun Back to Mealtimes

Serving your little one a meal can go from being enjoyable to a hair pulling experience in a matter of seconds. Babies can be unpredictable and their taste in foods can change on a whim. And when they don’t like something, they sure do let you know! Combine that with the work that goes into planning and preparing their meals and anxiety around making sure they are getting all of the nutrition they need and you can see how this daily (make that 3 times daily!) event can easily go off the tracks.

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